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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

We partner with you to offer your employees the resources they need to handle any challenge. Whether it's behavioral health counseling, acute or urgent care needs, or balancing work and life, our specialists can help.

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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

We partner with you to offer your employees the resources they need to handle any challenge. Whether it's behavioral health counseling, acute or urgent care needs, or balancing work and life, our specialists can help.

What is our Employee Assistance Program?

We designed our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to prioritize your employees’ behavioral health needs. Services include:

Through our EAP services, your employees can participate in counseling sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Employees can access this support in the way that works best for them, whether it's an in-person appointment, phone call or a secure video session. Our counselors offer extended hours so employees can schedule sessions at convenient times.

The Student and Family Assistance Program (SFAP) incorporates all aspects of our EAP services into the school setting. We partner with individual schools and districts to offer students and their families services such as:

  • Virtual or in-person confidential counseling
  • Behavioral education on topics such as anger management and marijuana or alcohol use
  • Life-balance services, such as financial counseling, legal consultation or assistance finding child care

Our EAP team also offers SFAP training to school staff. Your administrative team or designated staff have ongoing access to our EAP experts.

The University Student Assistance Program (USAP) offers EAP services to college students. We partner with higher education institutions to provide university students with the same behavioral health support that we offer high school students in the SFAP.

Our behavioral health care coordinators can help you manage the acute mental health care benefits in your employee health plan.

If employees need to access inpatient services, substance use programs or other acute care resources, we assist with determining medical necessity. We also monitor care plans and coordinate with facilities to ensure your employees have adequate follow-up care. This active case management leads to reduced readmissions and helps employees better manage their care.

We understand that multiple life circumstances affect your employees' overall wellness. We provide additional work-life balance services to support your employees' health, including:

  • Adoption information and referrals
  • Child care coordination
  • Eldercare information and referrals
  • Financial counseling
  • Legal consultations
  • Scholarship search tools

Your employees have access to a 24-hour phone line if behavioral health crises arise. Licensed mental health professionals manage this phone line to give your employees emergency, expert mental health support.

Why choose us for EAP services?

When you choose us for your employee assistance program, you benefit from:

Comprehensive employee support

Through the EAP, we provide extensive support for your employees' overall health. We understand behavioral health management isn't always limited to a set series of counseling sessions.

Instead, we offer tools and resources to address the aspects of life that affect your employees' overall wellness, such as:

  • Difficulty coping with stress
  • Problems that affect work-life balance, such as difficulty finding child care or accessing legal services
  • Poor lifestyle habits
  • Anger management

A trusted partner in your solution

When you choose our EAP services, you have access to a dedicated representative from our team who acts as your human resources partner. If you have questions or need extra support, this representative is your go-to resource. Rather than offering a simple support phone line, we actively work with you to meet your employees' needs.

At no additional cost, this representative also provides:

  • Full training curricula for your employee and leadership teams
  • Promotional materials for the EAP
  • Quality assurance evaluations
  • Utilization reports

Integrated employee health solutions

EAP services work synergistically with our other Advocate Health Solutions. For example, when a health risk assessment flags stress or behavioral health risks in an employee, our corporate wellness leaders can refer your employees to the EAP.

Conversely, when EAP counselors identify health needs, they can refer your employees to wellness services, employer clinics or other applicable services. This team approach allows us to better meet your employees' needs, and, in turn, helps increase your employees' health.