Decades of gratitude and giving

Decades of gratitude and giving
Harold and Carol Elfner, 1999

Doctors Day is observed each year on March 30 to thank doctors everywhere for saving lives. Last year, Carol Elfner donated on Doctors Day in support of her local hospital, Aurora Medical Center – Manitowoc County, and clinic, Aurora Health Center in Two Rivers.

"Thanks for all your dedicated work during COVID-19 - THANK YOU," Carol wrote.

Her message was particularly special because it marked the 25th year in a row that Carol has donated to Aurora Health Care Foundation. She has given to a variety of programs and services including the team member crisis fund, cardiac services, cardiovascular research, cancer care, the healing garden, and cardiovascular surgery. They’ve also supported the greatest needs fund for many years.

“My late husband and I started donating to Aurora Health Care Foundation 25 years ago when he was a cardiac patient at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center. His doctor was so good to us and so understanding that we were inspired to donate to the cardiology program.”

When the hospital opened in Manitowoc County, Carol and her husband were grateful to be able to continue their care in their own community.

“We were always impressed with the expertise and compassionate care we received with each new doctor and nurse we met over the years,” she shared. “And we know how important it is to have that level of care locally, so we continued to give.”

Carol has only one regret.

“I wish we could give more, but it has been my absolute pleasure to support all that Aurora is doing in our community.”

How you can help

Aurora Health Care is now part of Advocate Health, a not-for-profit organization that relies on the generosity of donors like Carol to provide high-quality health care within our hospitals, individually to each patient and in our communities. Please consider making a gift to support care in your community today.