Jockey International supports sexual assault survivors

Jockey International supports sexual assault survivors
Jockey International is committed to helping survivors heal.

Addressing sexual assault and domestic violence trauma is an extremely complex issue; Jockey International Incorporated is helping strengthen efforts within Advocate Aurora to help survivors overcome and rebuild their lives.

For many victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, the healing journey is far too complicated to tackle alone. Clothing collection is a vital part of sexual assault nurse examinations, where many victims need to turn over their clothing for evidence that may be pertinent to their assault.

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) programs at Advocate Aurora provide compassionate trauma-informed care which often begins with gifting comfortable clothing to survivors for them to wear home from the hospital. This meets the victims’ immediate need for clothing and helps each survivor feel cared for and safe.

With generous donations from Jockey International, Advocate Aurora provides various clothing items to ensure replacement clothing is available for victims in a range of sizes. This care is critical for patients and wouldn’t be possible without their support.

For more than 20 years, generous donors including Jockey International have provided new clothing for survivors including underwear, socks, pants and tops for patients receiving sexual assault services at Aurora Medical Centers in Kenosha and Burlington, Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Aurora Healing & Advocacy Services at Aurora Sinai and Aurora West Allis Medical Centers, as well as Aurora Medical Centers in Grafton and Sheboygan.

As we continue to expand our sexual assault services clothing donations will benefit hospitals and our patients across Wisconsin and Illinois.

How SANE and FNE programs benefit our community
Through Advocate Aurora’s SANE and FNE programs, nurse examiners are extensively trained to provide individualized support to victims throughout the community, offering a safe space during recovery and any intersection of issues during healing.

The nurses are given the necessary tools to navigate sensitive issues for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence since the pain and trauma resulting from sexual assault and domestic violence can remain with victims long past when the assault occurs.

“SANEs are committed to providing compassionate care while preserving dignity and reducing trauma,” says Deanna Grundl, Forensic Nursing Coordinator and Forensic RN for Aurora Medical Center Manitowoc County, Aurora Medical Center Sheboygan County, Aurora Medical Center Summit and Aurora Medical Center Washington County. “When a patient reports an assault, a SANE takes over their care, conducting assessments, documenting injuries and collecting evidence for law enforcement. We collaborate with community partners, including advocates who ensure there is a safe place for a patient to go upon discharge.”

How these programs impact our nurses


Every gift from Jockey International strengthens our programs and continues to equip our nurses with the right tools to provide the right care at the right time.

“Being a SANE has shaped the way I care for patients,” says Grundl. “I understand there is a reason behind a person’s actions and that I need to adjust my approach accordingly. I’m grateful for the opportunity to care for some of our most vulnerable patients. My work as a SANE has significantly impacted the way I approach life and how I instill hope in my children.”

Aurora Healing & Advocacy Services and Advocate Aurora’s Abuse Response programs would not be possible without philanthropic support from generous donors like Jockey International. Consider making a life-changing gift today to support this cause.